UnipolSai Tower

Milan - 2017 - 2022

New UnipolSai Tower is a 120m tall, 23-storey building. Its plan has a 52m x 31.3m  elliptical shape, so each floor has 850mq net surface.

An external diagrid is the main structure; it is connected to the slabs each 3-storey by a detail with an hanging element that suspends the two below storeys. 
Two central concrete cores contribute to horizontal action resistance together with diagrid; they also contain stairs, elevators and plants.

Technical Sheet
Performed service

Tender, preliminar and final structural design. Construction supervisor. Building site support.

UnipolSai Assicurazioni
2017 - 20252
Dimensional parameters
Elliptical plan 52.0m x 31.3m
1.600sqm covered
Structural work cost
32.000.000 €



MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.