Technical Center

Bologna - 2021 - 2023

The design concern buildings inside lot 4 of the new Data Center for CINECA and INFN corporation in order to get in position EURO HPC Supercalulator. The project is inside the old Tobacco factory designed by Eng. Pier Luigi Nervi in the 50s.

The structure is subdivided in the following parts: 

  • Two existing concrete buildings (C2 and G3) upgrade;
  • New buildings inside existing buildings B5 and C2;
  • New precast building G1;
  • New tunnel under a portion of building A «Ballette».
Technical Sheet Technical Sheet 2
Performed service

Final structural design and site building assistance

2021 - 2023
3.290smq (Building C2), 1.152smq (Building G3)
Structural work cost
1.160.000€ (Building C2), 480.000€ (Building G3) €


MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.