Adriatic Arena

Pesaro - 1997 - 1999

The multi-purpose sport arena is mainly aim to host concerts, music events and sport events, both thanks the acoustical optimization behaviour.

The main structural system for the Sport Arena in Pesaro is a double layer spatial truss arranged in order to have a mean surface with positive total curvature. The structural system is made by the following sub-systems:

  • Central spatial truss arch with variable span from 110m to 22m;
  • Transversal truss beams at both arch sides, whose shape is defined by two arches with same centre and radius;
  • Stabilizing system for roof structure pretensioning with a group of stabilizing cables at beams extrados.
Technical Sheet
Performed service
Structural preliminary design, structural final design, structural detail design
Pesaro Municipality
1997 - 1999
Dimensional parameters
10.323 Seats
12.000smq covered
Structural work cost




Costruzione palazzo dello sport di Pesaro

MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.