Renato Dall'Ara Stadium

Bologna - 2017 - 2022

The New Renato Dall’Ara Stadium design involves a revamping and modernization of current structural, inside a neighbourhood upgrading. The main items are:

  • New grandstands (with steel rakers and precast risers) moved closer to the field with respect to the current ones;
  • Historical-artistic exploitation of masonry existing elements (Maratona Tower and ring of walls);
  • New roof (to cover all seats).

The 20’000mq roof cover is supported by a structural system of main and secondary beams, covered by membrane supported by steel arches. Main roof trusses are 122m  span (over main granstand) and 83m span (over lateral stands).

Technical Sheet
Performed service

Tender and preliminary structural design

2017 - 2022
Dimensional parameters
30.000 Seats
20.000smq covered
Structural work cost
63.000.000 €



MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.