Multi-purpose Structure

Ravenna - 2019 - 2022

The design structure is a multi-purpose arena, aim to host international sport events (like basketball or volleyball games) with 6’000 seats and trade shows. Its capacity could be modified depending on specific needs of the event.

The main structure is a 80m x 90m square plan building, whose height is almost 24m. The structure is composed by 4 concrete core at the 4 apex of the plan; the steel roof cover is made up of 8 79m length truss beam, with adjacent 10m spans. This is due to the fact that no intermediate support can be provided. Each truss has a transversal triangular cross section, built up by two top chord and one bottom chord.

Technical Sheet
Performed service
Tender, preliminary and final structural design
Municipality of Ravenna
2019 - 2022
Dimensional parameters
6.000 Seats
Work cost
7.000.000 €


MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.