Bridge over Oxhalssundet River

Stockholm - 2003 - 2004

The designed structure for the bridge over Oxhalssundet fiord gives a new image for a cable stayed railway and pedestrian steel bridge.

The lightened pylons (almost transparent) are arranged at acute angle with respect to the water surface and have a spindle shape towards the sky like the big ship yard.

The cables themselves and their packed arrangement recall mast shroud of the ship that allow to lift the sails.

The two lateral steel box sections are considered as a smooth surface, with no shadow; this is one of the most peculiar design choice giving the opportunity to get an “continuous strip” image, substantial, but slim at the same time, since the bearing force sensation is given to the inclined pylons and to the cables.

Technical Sheet
Performed service
Tender structural design
Coop Costruzioni
2003 - 2004
Dimensional parameters
Total Span 110m
Structural work cost
10.329.137 €


MJW structures

We design large scale and spatial integrated structures.